Monday 15 June 2009

Sorry for my late post

Tuesday, 9/6/09

Based on a survey conducted on Singapore drivers, driving over speed limits and beating the traffic lights when they are glowing amber are Singapore's top two most dangerous driving habits. It was also discovered that many Singaporeans do not know the normal speed limit of Singapore's roads. Only 25% answered 50km/h which was the correct answer.


I think that these drivers are being very inconsiderate and selfish. Everyone gets their turn and I think that they should patiently wait for the amber lights to turn red and then green. After all, the amber lights mean that we should slow down already and not immediately 'grab the chance' and dash across.Speed limit is something very important that keeps the traffic in order. If everyone at the next road is driving at fifty km/h and you happened to be exceeding the speed limit and driving at 70km/h, you won't be able to stop in time and will cause a car accident.

Every year, many people are getting severely hurt or dying because of car accidents. Doesn't it hurt to see news reporting grotesque accidents every few days/weeks? Car accidents are caused because selfish drivers/pedestrians refuse to obey the traffic rules. We should all be road-friendly and obey the traffic safety rules. By doing that, we can create an accident free environment.

1 comment:

YHLin said...

Dear Xinye,

wow! Your opinions and news are really fantastic! :D

1)Yes, the drivers should not drive so fast that they would not be able to stop in time if somebody dash across the road. Teenagers like to speed, so what would be your advise? What should schools do? What should do government do in order to educate the public? i.e. holding campaigns, talks. :D

2)Yes, every day, there would be accidents occuring. This is, indeed, caused by selfish and reckless drivers and pedestrians. Whenever we cross the road, we must always bear in mind that we should observe the rules, because if we die, our kin would grief for us. Schools have also organise the road-safety programme. We went to a park or something like that last year and through interactive activites, we learn a lot about road safety. In order to create a accident free environment, we Singaporeans must work together.
