Saturday 20 December 2008


Sorry for this two late newz

2)Car Company Daimen Chrysler is closing all North America branches for at least a month. Many workers are left jobless in the harsh winter. Boss of the company states that he will not close down the companies for good.

It was really harsh for him to close down the company. Leaving all the workers jobless and then when it opens again, want them back. But i think the boss of Daimen Chrysler was left with no choice and i respect him for his perserverance to not close down the company even though they are in a crisis. But closing his company temporary and not earning any money is such a waste. If i were him, I would have just cut down on the car production and not close the company down as the workers would have absolutely no salary and i would not earn any money either. Although I think the money earned should be very minimal, but at least the workers would have money to feed themselves.

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