Saturday 13 September 2008

my second compo Earthquake

“And a cup of prune juice please,” Della ended her long list of orders. The waiter bowed and walked off to submit the order. This was the best hotel in the world. It has the best service and facilities. What was more was that you could see Mount. Fuji from the eleventh floor onwards if you took a view room! It was the perfect place to live in. “Here is your prune juice Miss,’ the waiter walked off after serving Della. “Della is it me or are there tremors?” Randal shot at Della. Della looked into her cup, hoping not to see what she was expecting, yes! There were ripples in the prune juice. The hotel began to shake violently all of a sudden. incessant screams were ringing in everyone’s ears. Fear gripped Della, were her living days coming to an end?
Pandemonium broke as people started to flee for their dear lives, but realising they have got no where to run. Some people were screaming their heads off like banshees. Della sat down and reassured herself, “This is a world-class hotel, it won’t fall…” But she was wrong. Strident shouts rent the air before the ceiling caved in. “I’m sorry mum I should have listened to you,” Della shut her eyes, preparing for a peaceful death.
Della’s eyes flickered open, “Where am I?” Della groaned. Feeling uneasiness all over her. “This can’t be heaven or hell? I can’t move at all!” Something struck Della, she survived the collapse! Della felt guilty and stupid, “If only I had listened to mum who told me there was going to be an earthquake, if only I hadn’t thought that she was just trying top stop me from coming here because she wanted me to stay with her.” “Dell…Della…” A voice croaked. “Randal, is that you?”Della tried to shout through her parched throat on recognizing her friend’s voice. No reply came. Della paused for a moment and thought that what she just heard was just her illusion.
For many days, Della drifted in and out of consciousness, suffering from lack of food and water. She knew that she would not be rescued for the next few days as the rescuers would be afraid of another tremor.
She had no idea how many days it had been. Without food and water, she was almost unable to speak. Outside, rescue workers and police dogs have already started rescue work. Many were digging cautiously in fear of causing another collapse. Della did not hear a single sound, it was pin drop silence in that area. A few days later, Della saw a piece of debris on top of her being lifted out. She tried to shout but nothing came out of her throat. But now that almost half of her was revealed, the rescue workers saw her immediately. They pulled her out of the rubble and put her on a stretcher, at the same time, many dead bodies were lay in a straight line for the family to take their last look at their sibling or child.
It was reported days later in the news that the hotel had collapsed as no anti-earthquake measures were taken during the construction of this hotel. A tear rolled down Della’s cheek. Their greed to save more money and not take the anti-earthquake measures had caused many lives. Della knew she was probably never going to see Randal again for her name did not appear in the hospital list for many many days.

1 comment:

tsooc said...

Dear XY,

very interesting story with lots of ideas from newspapers. Good. You can also take note of the following to improve.

- a story gap between 'Della shut her eyes, preparing for a peaceful death.
Dellas eyes flickered open'. Readers get a bit lost as to where the author was.

- Not clear what caused the hotel to collapse. The eruption of Mount Fuji?

- How did the author's mother know that there was going to be an eruption?