Monday 29 December 2008



A rally by thousands of protesters outside the Thai parliament building forced the government to delay Prime Minister Abhisit's first policy address.

The protesters were dressed in red and were loyal supporters of the previous premier. The protesters carried sign boards outside thailands paliarment building refusing to go away unless Mr. Abhisit resigns.

The government says that they have no choice but to delay the meeting while the authoroties negotiated with the protesters' leader. One of the protesters had stated their reasons for protesting. They said that they wanted Mr. Abhisit to step down because he has no legitimacy.

OPINIONS: Mr. Abhisit should probrably apologise or pledge like he will do something or become more legitimate. It is also the protesters fault as they should respect the country's decision. They must give Mr. Abhisit time to show that he is a capable leader. He has not even been on the job for a year and i simply cannot understand how they know that Mr. Abhisit is not as capable as the old premier.

Recently, thailand's economic didn't drop greatly just because Mr. Abhisit didn't know how to control the government.And I believe since the paliarment people picked him, he should be capable of doing his job well.



China adds 32 deaths to dismal work safety statistics

Thirty-two people died in two separate accidents in China Saturday, as explosives went off in a rural area while a lift crashed on an urban building site, highlighting the nation's poor work safety record.

Fifteen people died and nine were injuredIn the first of the incidents, a blast erupted at 1.12 am (1712 GMT Friday) in the village of Donggancheng

In the day's second serious incident, 17 people died after a construction lift crashed to the ground on a building site.

OPINIONS: I think China's contractors have not taken enough safety precautions towards their workers and objects at the construction site. They should have considered the welfare of their workers. The workers have families to feed and raise, that was why they needed to work, but now, without the workers income, the families may be experiecing lots of financial problems and may not be able to get enough money to buy food for themselves to eat.

if this carries on, many people, because of their own safety will not want to be construction site workers and there will be no one to build houses and buildings for new companies or people who needs to buy new houses
(dismal: characterized by ineptness or lack of skill, competence, effectiveness, imagination, or interest; pitiful)

Saturday 27 December 2008

reported on 27/12/08


The ICA reported 8110 packets of contraband cigarettes

It was reported yesterday that a malaysia registered lorry truck was found with $620,000 worth of potential costoms duty and GST payable and unregistered/undeclared cigarettes.

ICA said the duty-unpaid cigarettes were hidden within a consignment that was declared as mixed hardwood sawn timber.

The 8110 packets of cigarettes were discovered when the malaysian lorry checked past the woodlands costoms complex.

OPINIONS: The truck driver was very selfish to have not declared his cigarettes. All entrepreneurs have declared their goods and paid their taxes etcetera, he was also being very unfair to the others. If a man like him gets past the costoms, it will influence the others to do it. Then, the costoms will get out of control. In that way, he earns more money then the others by 'cheating'.

For example another man also goes past the costoms with cigrattes but pays the taxes, he would have to cut down on his supplies by a lot. He would earn less money than the man who intended to get past the costoms without paying taxes.

(contraband:anything prohibited by law from being imported or exported)

Wednesday 24 December 2008



Singapore Flyer broke down at 4.15p.m. Out of the 28 cabins, 23 were occupied. Many passengers had to exit from the even when they were at great heights. This has been the 2nd time the Singapore flyer broke down this year.

The manager incharged of the Singapore flyer reports the reason of the Singapore flyer break down: There are a total of six power sources powering the flyer, one of them broke down that night causing a system shut down which resulted in the Singapore flyers breakdown

The flyer is still closed for pending investigations.


As a new tourist attraction, there must have been many foreign tourists on the flyer, many of them who experienced the flyer's break down would already have a bad impression of this new tourists' attraction and inform the others in their own country of their experience on the flyer and they may not want to take the Singapore Flyer which will become a great money-earning opportunity lost.

Saturday 20 December 2008


Sorry for this two late newz

2)Car Company Daimen Chrysler is closing all North America branches for at least a month. Many workers are left jobless in the harsh winter. Boss of the company states that he will not close down the companies for good.

It was really harsh for him to close down the company. Leaving all the workers jobless and then when it opens again, want them back. But i think the boss of Daimen Chrysler was left with no choice and i respect him for his perserverance to not close down the company even though they are in a crisis. But closing his company temporary and not earning any money is such a waste. If i were him, I would have just cut down on the car production and not close the company down as the workers would have absolutely no salary and i would not earn any money either. Although I think the money earned should be very minimal, but at least the workers would have money to feed themselves.

Friday 19 December 2008

Todae news update 19/12/08


1)International Financial University predicts that the world economy would shrink by 0.4% in 2009. Japanese experts also predicts Japan's economy to remain without increase at least until March 2010.
That would be the worst financial crisis blow in years.
I personally think that this financial crisis could take years to end and by that time, more and more people who had bankrupted would have been poor and may not even have food to eat. The current poor would not be able to afford anything in the midst of the financial crisis which is getting worse and worse. I hope the world can one day compromise and share with one another the necessities they each need.

News 18/12/08



1) America's 3 greatest car companies have stopped production as before, they are cutting down on the production line due to the global financial crisis.

I think tht the 3 car companies have started facing problems ever since the crisis started. Their problem must have gotten bigger and bigger. Financial crisis has also gotten worse and worse as many companies are threatened with bankruptcy. This crisis has taught me a valuable experience to always be on your guard for any crisis and always be prepared. The companies should have kept more money in store or made more preperations for it. Now, not only america's car companies, many other companies have also cut down on their production.

News on 17/12/08


New Thai ruler Mr. Abhisit has still not gained trust of supporters of the previous government. The people are not very confident about him being able to bring Thailand through the Global financial crisis. Mr. Abhisit, who is currently 44, is considered quite young. As Mr. Abhisit was choosen from a group and not voted, the citizens do not trust him alot.

I think he must work harder to gain his people's trust. Like doing things to just make the crisis problems lessen. In that way, people will think that he really thinks for his citizens and by solving their problems, he has already proved himself as wise. His age cannot be helped and the people must also stop having the idea of him being young and inexperienced.

Monday 29 September 2008

correction for blackout in a train

“Randall, do you have anything that you need to buy?” Mum was cutting up cucumbers for dinner. “Yeah, I need a pair of new sports shoes, size six,” Randall mumbled. “Randall, don’t talk to me like that and please go for fitting with me because this in cheap shoe sale some shoes have different diameter measurements,” Mum was annoyed that Randall was rude to her. Randall was furrowing her eyebrows to solve the complicating mathematics question in the practice paper, but was constantly distracted by her mother’s “Randall, do you want…” or “Randall, please help me…” Miss Tan had given the class a heuristics paper in which a mediocre in mathematics girl like Randall needs to focus completely to solve. Finally, she got fed up. “Alright, I’ll go…” She grunted.

“Where are we going to buy the shoes mother?” Randall popped a question. “We are going to get fabulous shoes from the cheap shoes store in Jalan Melayu,” Mum smiled. “She’s such a cheapskate,” Randall muttered under her breath, all her classmates in school have prepared fabulous sport shoes for the national track meet which the school was honored by having the permission to run on the tracks for a March pass. “Please do not leave any valuables on your seats, thank you and have a pleasant day,” The commentator announced when the MRT arrived at Jurong East station. Randall and her mother boarded the green line of the MRT tracks on the map to get to their destination.

The lights began to flicker on and off and the train came to a sudden halt. Randall was flung from her seat to a fat man licking and ice-cream cone and the top of the ice-cream melted off and fell on her. “Urgh…” Randall was disgusted as she flicked off the ice-cream on her head. She took out a piece of tissue and started cleaning up the mess on her head. The silence in the MRT train was broken when the train commentator announced, “Dear passengers, this train has halted because of a technical failure, as such, we will not be able to move until the technical fault is fixed. Meanwhile, passengers on board need not panic, the emergency exit will be opened and all passengers will evacuate and follow the warden,” the commentator ended her ‘speech’. Everyone in the train moaned monotonously as they poured out of the exit. Murmurs were erupting here and there where Aunties were gossiping about the train’s lack of technical checks. Randall sighed, another long hour needed at least if she heads straight home. Randall thought that if she had not came, she would have already finished the question and moved on to her next. The worst thing was, by the time she reached home, it would already be nine o’clock! And she has still got ten questions to go.

Just then, the lights went off. Randall shrieked in fright for she had a phobia of darkness. Mum hugged her tightly and comforted her as tears started rolling down her cheeks. She was afraid of the dark because she had once hugged onto a skeleton in a haunted house when she was seven, her mother had told her not to go in but she had insisted. Randall groped in the darkness, looking for her torch light which she had always brought with her everywhere she went. Just as she took out the torch light, the lights went on and the train was going again. Everyone burst into fits of laughter upon seeing the fifteen year old’s face soaked in tears. Randall turned red with embarrassment.

In the end, only one thing good came out, she had managed to get a Nike sport shoe but a second handed one, although she had only managed to reach home at ten. As for Randall, the horrifying experience made her swear never to take an MRT unless required, or else, she would always take a direct bus or taxi.

Thursday 18 September 2008

blackout in a train

blackout in a train

“Randall, do you have anything that you need to buy?” Mum was cutting up cucumbers for dinner. “Yeah, I need a pair of new sports shoes, size six,” Randall mumbled. “Randall, don’t talk to me like that and please go for fitting with me because this in cheap shoe sale some shoes have different diameter measurements,” Mum was annoyed that Randall was rude to her. Randall was furrowing her eyebrows to solve the complicating mathematics question in the practice paper, but was constantly distracted by her mother’s “Randall, do you want…” or “Randall, please help me…” Miss Tan had given the class a heuristics paper in which a mediocre in mathematics girl like Randall needs to focus completely to solve. Finally, she got fed up. “Alright, I’ll go…” She grunted.

“Where are we going to buy the shoes mother?” Randall popped a question. “We are going to get fabulous shoes from the cheap shoes store in Jalan Melayu,” Mum smiled. “She’s such a cheapskate,” Randall muttered under her breath, all her classmates in school have prepared fabulous sport shoes for the national track meet which the school was honored by having the permission to run on the tracks for a March pass. “Please do not leave any valuables on your seats, thank you and have a pleasant day,” The commentator announced when the MRT arrived at Jurong East station. Randall and her mother boarded the green line of the MRT tracks on the map to get to their destination.

The lights began to flicker on and off and the train came to a sudden halt. Randall was flung from her seat to a fat man licking and ice-cream cone and the top of the ice-cream melted off and fell on her. “Urgh…” Randall was disgusted as she flicked off the ice-cream on her head. She looked up and saw the fat man shooting eye-daggers at her. Randall looked away and thought to herself, “I didn’t do it on purpose, of course you won’t understand since you won’t be thrown out of your seat no matter what because of your size,” Randall giggled. The silence in the MRT train was broken when the train commentator announced, “Dear passengers, this train has halted because of oil on the oncoming tracks, as such, we will not be able to move until the cleaners clean up the road. Meanwhile, passengers on board need not panic, the emergency exit will not be opened because we are deep n a tunnel, a waiter will be serving you all water shortly,” the commentator ended her ‘speech’. Randall sighed, another hour wasted. Randall thought that if she had not came, she would have already finished the question and moved on to her next. The worst thing was, by the time she reached home, it would already be nine o’clock! And she has still got ten questions to go.

Just then, the lights went off. Randall shrieked in fright for she had a phobia of darkness. Mum hugged her tightly and comforted her as tears started rolling down her cheeks. She was afraid of the dark because she had once got lost in a dark alley and had to sleep there the whole night before the police could find her. Randall groped in the darkness, looking for her torch light which she had always brought with her everywhere she went. Just as she took out the torch light, the lights went on and the train was going again. Randall looked into the clear glass which showed her reflection as was horrified when she saw watery ice-cream all over her face. She turned red with embarrassment when people started laughing at her.

In the end, only one thing good came out, she had managed to get a Nike sport shoe but a second handed one, although she had only managed to reach home at ten. As for Randall, the horrifying experience made her swear never to take an MRT unless required, or else, she would always take a direct bus or taxi.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

kidnapped revision 3

Kidnapped!!! Revision 3

“Tom Walters, charged with ten years’ imprisonment and five strokes of the cane,” The judge thundered. “Why must you torture my grandson!!” Old Grandma Wendy screamed as she struggled to free herself from the hands of the guards by the audience post. The judge repeated firmly, “He is sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment!” Separating yet another family. A few weeks ago, Ah Huat was brought away from his mother for silencing a girl. I stepped into the tunnel that ended at the prison. I landed in this state, all because of…

“You’re not going to go back to your family alive if you don’t pay up by midnight. Come to my clubhouse and look for me. Remember, a million. And if the police comes, your whole family will be slaughtered,” Guan sneered. Beads of perspiration trickled down my forehead, where was I going to get all that money? At first, I thought of borrowing some but I realised I have got no friends. I would certainly not go back to my family, I am too embarrassed to. Rob a bank? Run away? I thought about all that but decided that the security in banks was too tight and it was impossible for me to run away from Singapore unregistered. In the end, I decided to surrender to my fate. You’re dead Tom Walters. I strutted back home. Grandma Wendy greeted me at the door, “Had a good day? Come and have some hot chocolate.” Always having a smile on her face, I could not bring myself to upset Grandma. I pushed the cup away and took out my passport from my room. “Dear? Where are you going?” I heard Grandma’s sweet voice. “Er… To get some fresh air, won’t be out for long, you go back to your room and sleep,” I muttered the last few words softly. Grandma took my passport and helped me put it back in my room. She watched me as I reluctantly walked out of the house.

My last resorts were: Rob a bank, Kidnap someone to get the money. I knew that if I did either, I would certainly get caught by the police. Finally, I made out that robbing a bank could not get me a million and I will have to go over to more places around to get all of the money. I took a thick baseball bat in a heap of rubbish and set of to collect money. I crept behind a weak little boy, stalking him for almost ten minutes, then, when he made a turn for a dark alley, I grabbed the chance and hit him on his head with a baseball bat. Fear gripped me. What if I sent a fatal blow? What if somebody saw? My eyes darted around furiously, squinting them to check the furthest corner for a single soul. I cut a corner of my shirt with a knife and gagged the boy. As I was dragging him onto my car that I had driven here, I spotted some rope and bound the boy with it.

Cold sweat wet my top as I looked for the most suitable place to hide the boy. Finally, I arrived at a run-down hut. By this time, the boy had awoken and was struggling to untangle the ropes. Hah! Good thing I learned to tie survival knots! I pushed the little boy out of the car and shove him into the house. I found an attic and I pushed him in there. I took out a piece of leftover rope and tied the door handle to a hook inside. I dug into the boy’s school bag in search of anything that could tell me his parents’ phone number. Just as I was about to press the green ‘call’ button, I paused. Was there some sort of real GPS tracking device like what they show in movies? To heck with it! I hit the call button and faked a low and squeaky voice, telling the boy’s parents to bring a million dollars to Jalan Payer Lobar Beach. When I turned back to look at the boy, he pleaded me with his eyes. Anxiety clouding it because he may be killed by me. He stared at me with the saddest eyes. I felt my guilty-conscience prick. “Are you satisfied that you got the money, Tom Walters?” I thought I heard my conscience asked. “Are you the sort of person with no integrity and would kidnap people just to get money?” The angelic side of me pondered, while the devilish me cut in, “You are desperately in need of money, you can’t just make a million appear at your fists!”… The two side of me reasoned until I realised that whatever I was doing, I must stop immediately. I was upsetting my family, causing all the people around me to feel sad or hurt.

“Please release the hostage now!” I was jolted out of my reverie by a loud siren. I peered out of the window and saw the outside of the hut swarmed with police cars. I threw the hand phone aside and started untying the boy. I was filled with remorse and guilt. I barely flinched to escape when the police handcuffed me. The loan sharks were also caught for I provided their clubhouse address to the police.

“You have reached your cell!” A police general bellowed at me to get in. To Grandma Wendy and all my family members, I would never forgive myself for letting you down. Grandma Wendy, your shouts and screams just now still echo in me. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, but its all too late…

Tuesday 16 September 2008

edited compo of kidnapped

KIDNAPPED! (Draft 2)

“Tillie, detention for missing yesterday’s morning clinic and not handing in your assignment on time.” Mrs. Helga, the class’ history teacher announced, several small pockets of giggles were heard. Tillie grunted, she had always been forgetful, she just could not help it. The bell rang and Mrs. Helga dismissed the class. Tillie stayed back and cleaned up the class as her detention. After detention, Tillie started strutting back home, worn out from all the cleaning. She felt miserable, almost everyday she had to stay back in school for detention and not only that, she was always being criticized by her teachers for forgetting to do homework and assignments in front of all her classmates. “How I wish somebody would just take me away from this miserable world,” Tillie sighed.

The sky turned dark as Tillie walked, her house was miles far from here and she had forgotten to bring her ez-link card and could not take a bus. Within minutes, it was raining cats and dogs. Tillie threw her schoolbag on the floor and started digging for her umbrella. “Oh no…” Tillie grunted. She had forgotten to bring her umbrella too! All of a sudden, a sharp, intense pain seemed to pierce through her brain, the last thing Tillie saw before she drifted into oblivion was a masked man whose face stretched into a sinister smile.

“Where am I?” Tillie’s eyes darted around furiously, scanning for even the single smallest clue of where she was at. “Ouch!” Tillie tried to reach up and rub her head but her hand just would not budge! She turned around and realised that her hands were tied together. She shouted through her parched throat but all she could hear was her own echo. Her heart raced like a bullet train, she looked around panickly, cobwebs hung everywhere and rats were scurrying all over. Dust particles were so big that they were visible like small bugs. “Ha-ha… You will never see your family again. Your ‘Free’ boat ticket to Arabia will arrive in a matter of hours and we are setting of tomorrow …” A muscular figure stood in Tillie’s view.

The man slammed the door shut once more. Tillie knew what that man was going to do, sell her to the Arabians. She was horror struck, will she survive if she was sold to an abusive family? What if she did not understand the Arabians and they beat her up? “What am I going to do, stay here and be done for?” Tillie knew she had to run for her life, if only there was a way to snap the ropes. Her penknife! Tillie remembered that she had a penknife in her pencil box. She shifted herself such that she could reach the zip of her bag which was beside her and took out the pencil box. Then, she dug for something that was sharp, and bingo! She got it! She slotted the penknife between her two hands and started rubbing them. Snap! She was free! Lady luck indeed was on her side today. She took the penknife and snapped the ropes that bound her leg open. She did not know where she was but she took her hand phone from her bag and climbed out of the window, in hope that she recognized this place.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” A man growls were heard, Tillie looked up and realised that the kidnapper was climbing down a ladder. Within seconds, the kidnapper was hot on her heels. Tillie ran helter-skelter, speeding like a rocket. Her heart raced like a bullet train. Every inch of her muscles seemed to be yelling at her to stop and her lungs were burning and screaming for more and more oxygen every step she took but she was unrelenting. Then, she reached a road junction where she saw a group of policemen on patrol, she ran and told them about what was going on and they immediately rocketed off to catch the kidnapper.

A few days later, her case was reported on the newspaper but Tillie got really furious that the kidnapper had managed to escape. She hoped that the kidnapper had learnt his lesson and started looking for a proper job, but she was glad to have her dear life back even though she would be scolded often. She would never forget the horrible day when she was an inch to death’s grip.

Saturday 13 September 2008

my second compo Earthquake

“And a cup of prune juice please,” Della ended her long list of orders. The waiter bowed and walked off to submit the order. This was the best hotel in the world. It has the best service and facilities. What was more was that you could see Mount. Fuji from the eleventh floor onwards if you took a view room! It was the perfect place to live in. “Here is your prune juice Miss,’ the waiter walked off after serving Della. “Della is it me or are there tremors?” Randal shot at Della. Della looked into her cup, hoping not to see what she was expecting, yes! There were ripples in the prune juice. The hotel began to shake violently all of a sudden. incessant screams were ringing in everyone’s ears. Fear gripped Della, were her living days coming to an end?
Pandemonium broke as people started to flee for their dear lives, but realising they have got no where to run. Some people were screaming their heads off like banshees. Della sat down and reassured herself, “This is a world-class hotel, it won’t fall…” But she was wrong. Strident shouts rent the air before the ceiling caved in. “I’m sorry mum I should have listened to you,” Della shut her eyes, preparing for a peaceful death.
Della’s eyes flickered open, “Where am I?” Della groaned. Feeling uneasiness all over her. “This can’t be heaven or hell? I can’t move at all!” Something struck Della, she survived the collapse! Della felt guilty and stupid, “If only I had listened to mum who told me there was going to be an earthquake, if only I hadn’t thought that she was just trying top stop me from coming here because she wanted me to stay with her.” “Dell…Della…” A voice croaked. “Randal, is that you?”Della tried to shout through her parched throat on recognizing her friend’s voice. No reply came. Della paused for a moment and thought that what she just heard was just her illusion.
For many days, Della drifted in and out of consciousness, suffering from lack of food and water. She knew that she would not be rescued for the next few days as the rescuers would be afraid of another tremor.
She had no idea how many days it had been. Without food and water, she was almost unable to speak. Outside, rescue workers and police dogs have already started rescue work. Many were digging cautiously in fear of causing another collapse. Della did not hear a single sound, it was pin drop silence in that area. A few days later, Della saw a piece of debris on top of her being lifted out. She tried to shout but nothing came out of her throat. But now that almost half of her was revealed, the rescue workers saw her immediately. They pulled her out of the rubble and put her on a stretcher, at the same time, many dead bodies were lay in a straight line for the family to take their last look at their sibling or child.
It was reported days later in the news that the hotel had collapsed as no anti-earthquake measures were taken during the construction of this hotel. A tear rolled down Della’s cheek. Their greed to save more money and not take the anti-earthquake measures had caused many lives. Della knew she was probably never going to see Randal again for her name did not appear in the hospital list for many many days.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Compo title kidnapped

This Is my composition:

“Tillie, detention for missing yesterday’s morning clinic and not handing in your assignment on time.” Mrs. Helga, the class’ history teacher announced, several small pockets of giggles were heard. Tillie grunted, she had always been forgetful, she just could not help it. The bell rang and Mrs. Helga dismissed the class. Tillie stayed back and cleaned up the class as her detention. After detention, Tillie started strutting back home, worn out from all the cleaning. She felt miserable, almost everyday she had to stay back in school for detention and not only that, she was always being criticized by her teachers for forgetting to do homework and assignments in front of all her classmates. “How I wish somebody would just take me away from this miserable world,” Tillie sighed.

The sky turned dark as Tillie walked, her house was miles far from here and she had forgotten to bring her ez-link card and could not take a bus. Within minutes, it was raining cats and dogs. Tillie threw her schoolbag on the floor and started digging for her umbrella. “Oh no…” Tillie grunted. She had forgotten to bring her umbrella too! All of a sudden, a sharp, intense pain seemed to pierce through her brain, the last thing Tillie saw before she drifted into oblivion was a masked man whose face stretched into a sinister smile.

“Where am I?” Tillie’s eyes darted around furiously, scanning for even the single smallest clue of where she was at. “Ouch!” Tillie tried to reach up and rub her head but her hand just would not budge! She turned around and realised that her hands were tied together. She shouted through her parched throat but all she could hear was her own echo. Her heart raced like a bullet train, she looked around panickly, cobwebs hung everywhere and rats were scurrying all over. Dust particles were so big that they were visible like small bugs. “Ha-ha… You will never see your family again if I don’t get thirty million by tonight…” A muscular figure stood in Tillie’s view.

The man slammed the door shut once more. Tillie knew her family was not rich enough, her mum and dad’s combined bank savings was even lesser than 5 million! “What am I going to do, stay here and be done for? I was just saying not wanting to be in this world out of a moment of frustration, but I didn't mean for it to happen!" Tillie knew she had to run for her life, if only there was a way to snap the ropes. Her penknife! Tillie remembered that she had a penknife in her pencil box. She shifted herself such that she could reach the zip of her bag which was beside her and took out the pencil box. Then, she dug for something that was sharp, and bingo! She got it! She slotted the penknife between her two hands and started rubbing them. Snap! She was free! Lady luck indeed was on her side today. She took the penknife and snapped the ropes that bound her leg open. She did not know where she was but she took her hand phone from her bag and climbed out of the window, in hope that she recognized this place.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” A man growls were heard, Tillie looked up and realised that the kidnapper was climbing down a ladder. Within seconds, the kidnapper was hot on her heels. Tillie ran helter-skelter, speeding like a rocket. Her heart raced like a bullet train. Every inch of her muscles seemed to be yelling at her to stop and her lungs were burning and screaming for more and more oxygen every step she took but she was unrelenting. Then, she reached a road junction where she saw a group of policemen on patrol, she ran and told them about what was going on and they immediately rocketed off to catch the kidnapper.

A few days later, her case was reported on the newspaper but Tillie got really furious that the kidnapper had managed to escape. She hoped that the kidnapper had learnt his lesson and started looking for a proper job, but she was glad to have her dear life back even though she would be scolded often. She would never forget that fateful day when she was an inch to death’s grip.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

The NEw Blog

Hi everyone
this is my second post and i'll be posting more
mainly compositions

Monday 8 September 2008

First post in this blog

This is my first post
Nothing to post about
And i won't talk about anything in my life
That is another blog's job
Hope u all will keep coming to my blog!!!