Friday 9 January 2009


This is my first compo this year, it is not good. So please comment

Composition: The Hero I had never expected
“Mum, do we really have to move to Uncle Alberto’s?” I queried. Krystyne stared pleadingly at mum with her puppy dog eyes. Mum looked disapprovingly at Krystyne, my younger sister. “I’m not going to fall for that Krystyne. And yes, you must move to Uncle Alberto’s so there is someone to take care of you all until we come back from the one-month business exchange trip to Canada.”
On the way there, the horrible experience of our previous stay at Uncle Alberto’s replayed.
Krystyne and I got down. There was an old sign outside the ‘run-down’ house that read: 44 Dieny Road.
Bats were circling the area. Dad and Mum drove off as we rang the scary doorbell. Dong! There stood Uncle Alberto, but he was smirking, weird. “I’m going to the market and I’ll be back by five, get the dishes done,” He commanded us in a low voice and walked off with a grocery list in hand. “Kathryn, don’t you think Uncle Alberto’s changed. He’s all of a sudden looking different!” Krystyne pointed out. “Krystyne, you knuckle-head, he masks his face everyday, and how do you even know he’s different?” I shook my head at my sister’s senseless statement. The icy wind howled against our necks as the candle on the organ rocked. Dusts and cobwebs covered every inch of the house, it has been a long time since he cleaned it. Big Fat rats scampered everywhere and hairy spiders roamed the ground. I jumped at the sight of the dishes moulded chicken, dried vegetable bits and fowl-smelling plates. I was disgusted, how could Uncle Alberto survive in this house?
The wooden floorboards squeaked and groaned. Suddenly, I felt an unusual chill. My sixth sense told me that someone was behind Krystyne, and me and that the person was up to no good. Krystyne and I stared at each other, we spun around, all coordinated. Not aghostin sight. We shrugged and continued with the dishes. Then, someone locked my arms, I screamed loudly but a cloth was placed over my face and soon muffled me. The air I could take in was getting thinner and thinner. The last thing I heard was Krystyne’s screams before I drifted into oblivion.
“Let me go! What are you trying to do?” I heard Krystyne’s voice. My eyes flickered open and I scanned the surroundings. There were eight men, all tall and muscular. Behind them, were two lab scientists “Hey! Why did you capture us?” I was about to continue when the female scientist cut in, “You and your sister here have a special family trait traced back to the dragons. Your family was a group of royal dragons,” She said as I struggled to free my bound hands and legs. She took a syringe and drew blood from me. I winced and wondered, “What crap was she talking about? We’re no dragons, we’re normal humans!”
Then, someone busted through the room’s door. “Hey! What are you doing to my nieces!” It was Uncle Alberto! His hands were bleeding and his shot leg had big whip scars. He must have been tortured! But look who was behind him, the police. The kidnappers surrendered and it was diagnosed that they were escaped patients from the mental hospital. I also found out that Uncle Alberto did not have to do that, he just had to keep quiet until those people went away with us as they were not after him. He was the hero I had never expected.
So, maybe Mum and Dad were right, he was a good man after all. As for ‘Uncle Alberto’ who was going out to buy groceries, he was an impostor. Although they haven’t caught him, I felt great to be safe again. Although Uncle Alberto was grumpy as always, he was a new man we had not known before, after the kidnap. Had it not been for him, dragon maniacs would have captured us.
657 words